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Fix Mac problem When Connecting to TV

Connecting Mac on TV has another issue that ones often met. It’s the menu bar and dock can’t be seen on the screen. Actually, this issue related to over-scan. For better explain about what is overscan and why it happened you can check over Wiki.

Back to the Mac problem while connecting on TV, basically to fix those issues is turning off overscan on your TV. However, the problem was some TV sets have this option available from their menu.

Now following the next step:

- Open System Preferences
- Select Displays
- Go to Options on the TV preferences window
- Make sure to uncheck overscan.

You will now have a black border around all 4 sides of the screen. Therefore, you should fix it. For this, you will have two options. At first, grab SwitchResX orDisplayConfigX and then create a custom resolution for your TV. Once finished, your menu bar and dock should shown properly on the screen.

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